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Crisis management

Corona Crisis: How to manage and behave in a crisis that is different from everything we knew and will change the world?

Crisis management

Corona Crisis: How to manage and behave in a crisis that is different from everything we knew and will change the world?

The Corona crisis: how do you manage and behave in a crisis that is different from anything we have known and will change the world?

Since the 1980s, crisis management has turned from a way of thinking - into a systematic doctrine, with hundreds of studies that have established clear working methods and ways of coping. It's just that the corona crisis is different from other corporate crises in more ways than one. So how is it still right to drive? Why should one not disappear, and how to deal with the challenges and how even in an ambiguous situation one can identify opportunities?


"Crisis management", the bread and butter of the public relations field, is being called for a redefinition these days. We are without a doubt facing an international crisis on a wide and unknown scale, but not only with the "Corona" disease, the many unknowns above the known - also the ways of dealing with the crisis it produces at the business and strategic level, will probably add another chapter to the field of crisis management in the coming day.

So how is managing the Corona crisis different from other corporate crises?  And in which areas it is still important to return to the basics and use the regular rules of traditional crisis management. 

How is the corona virus different from any other crisis?

One of the most important points in crisis management is identifying the crisis, characterizing it and taking responsibility for it. Many studies have proven that during a crisis, consumers, investors and shareholders expect the company to take responsibility: to admit the mistakes made, and even apologize. It's just that the corona crisis is what is known in the field as an "external crisis" - one that "fell" on the company from above, and not one for which the company is responsible (as opposed to incorrect pricing, a defective product, or administrative corruption, for example). Therefore, it is not difficult to identify the crisis, and there is nothing to take responsibility for. This fact has quite a few advantages for business owners: firstly because crisis management studies have been able to prove quite clearly that shareholders, investors and customers  tend to be much more frightened by an internal crisis in the company than by an external crisis, and secondly because there is no fear of a consumer influx To the competitors - because in the special circumstances that have arisen, the competitors in Israel and even abroad are also in the exact same boat. Business owners can be encouraged by the thought that, in an extremely unusual way, they are experiencing a crisis exactly the same as the other business owners in their field in Israel and in the world. Nevertheless, there are two main variables that will affect businesses The day after the corona: the first - how they entered it, and the second - how they will choose to leave it. 

The companies that will survive the koruna crisis: those that organize and don't stop thinking!

The first and most fundamental step in the theory of crisis management, which is also relevant to the current crisis, bears the misleading name  something "crisis prevention". In an economy of intertwined tools in which many forces outside society can trigger a crisis within it, it is not realistic to prevent crises from coming, and that is not the intention. The crisis prevention phase is the creation of internal management mechanisms that will prevent crises from breaking up the company, and this is a phase that should take place long before a crisis appears on the horizon. A company's internal procedure for times of crisis should include, among other things, building hidden platforms for times of crisis within the company's media channels, choosing a representative on behalf of the company who will become a spokesperson for media bodies during the crisis, and examining different methods for analyzing the discourse about the brand online in order to gain an understanding of consumer perceptions and mindset during which

These tools are expected to be highly relevant also for businesses and companies with the return to function the "day after". Most experts predict that the post-corona economy will not be exactly the same as it was before. More consumers who are exposed to technology and distance selling, consumers who are now much more bothered by hygiene issues, consumers who object to goods made in China, certainly there will also be those who live in greater economic uncertainty - smart crisis prevention mechanisms that are prepared in advance will help make adjustments to the new post-crisis market more easily.

Do not dig and do not disappear!  

Precisely during a crisis and after the first recovery phase and the choice of a strategy for dealing with it, it is important to keep in continuous contact and update the relevant factors and partners in the company or brand's activity with any changes. The corona crisis caused many brands to go into a "freeze" and instead of coming out of the shock phase quickly, they froze for a wide number of reasons - "the malls are closed, most of our activity there", "we don't have a sales website", "we have no options to reach consumers" and many more reasons And excuses some of which are realistic but not true. Past experience shows that precisely during external crises, it is important to continue to create for consumers such an experience that is part of the brand story, such that it will be remembered as a positive part of the crisis and will contribute to strengthening brand awareness and perception in the future as well.

Between crisis and opportunity

Another law in crisis management theory that is most relevant to the current crisis is the perception of the crisis as an opportunity. Studies have proven time and time again that managers who perceive a crisis as a threat - tend to react more emotionally to crises and offer limited, band-aid solutions. In front of them are managers who are educated to see a crisis as an opportunity - they tend to be more open in their ways of thinking and produce in-depth solutions, ones that can continue to serve the organization when the crisis is over.

The corona crisis is a difficult crisis that has already earned the nickname "the angel of death" for many businesses, and it is really not easy to see it as an opportunity. At the same time, it is worth remembering that even in the newly created situation, there are opportunities for businesses that will be able to make the right adjustments: opportunities to improve online services, opportunities to build a delivery system beyond the food fields as well. This is an opportunity for several businesses to join together for combined shipping packages, to think about a more hygienic shopping experience, an opportunity to emphasize the value of local production and much more.

As those who have been involved in the field of public relations for years and accompanied companies in times of crisis, we are amazed to discover every time how elastic and resourceful the Israeli economy is, and believe   that the combination of creative thinking, boldness and flexibility within the organization - with the willingness to continue And to manage the crisis together with you from an objective and rational point of view is the winning recipe for overcoming crises and even generating potential for renewal and growth from them. 

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