McDonald's, IKEA, every brand has a story - but few brands know how to tell it
The rise of new interactive platforms alongside the exploitation of the potential of traditional advertising and the publication of supporting studies leads many companies and brands to allocate many resources and increase the share of investment in content in the marketing system. "content is king" says the American term. It's just that even after two decades in which companies and brands have recognized its importance and are producing content, only a few understand how to do it right and how to produce content that will lead to beneficial interaction and discourse in a space filled with countless messages and colors.
At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, it seems almost outdated to speak in praise of the content. One Bill Gates's iconic 1996 article entitled "Content is King", in which the mogul from the founders of Microsoft predicted that "content is where most of the money will be spent on the Internet", was realized in a big way with the rise of Web 2.0, which allowed users and commercial entities Distribute content in unprecedented quantities and scale and reach almost anyone of any age and in any field of interest at any time.
How do you create real content? Funny, interesting and high quality?
Even today, two decades later, when most companies and brands produce a certain amount of content and invest quite a bit of money in the field - few are the companies that understand its true potential.
Commercial companies may understand that they have to write blogs and posts, tweet and manage YouTube channels, only that too many times the content they produce fails to be as relevant as "real" content - one that users find interesting, funny, and fun to consume. What still doesn't work? "The entire organization on the planet knows what it's doing," explains businessman and author Simon Sink, whose talk about the "Golden Circle" became the second most viewed at TED. "Some organizations also know how they do it - call it a unique value proposition, property proposition or USP. But few organizations know why they do what they do - what is the purpose, the reason for the existence of the organization, what is the belief behind it." According to him, the "why" of the organization and its clear communication is the way to produce an inspiring message.
But what if my company doesn't have a "why"?
That's what we're here for. At Maximedia we believe that every brand has a "why" - every brand has a story and such differentiation that emphasizes its advantage. That unclear "why" is actually the world of content within which your brand exists. Every product or service, without exception, be it the most uninspired and the most basic product imaginable, exists within a certain content world.
A company for the production of screws and tools - exists in a "do it yourself" world. can produce inspiring content about refurbishing old furniture - to connect with the vintage trend and the green trend, we will promote a female agenda with her in a series of articles about women upholsterers, wood-loving carpenters or those who specialize in renovation. A company for printed paper products - existing in a world of "return to simplicity" before the virtual online world, and content focused on back damage and poor sleep quality as a result of stress - can easily call for a new orthopedic mattress.
Facebook statuses and the blog articles that most brands produce, even today, tell why they have the best mattress, the most advanced work tools or the most designed paper products - but this is not really content, but advertising thinking on new platforms. Content does not deal with what the product knows how to do, but with that "why" - in essence. It tells a story about a world in which the product exists. We build this world together with you.
This is a mind craft of language development, anchoring key events relevant to the brand in the calendar, creating independent content for publication on the brand's platforms, along with creating dedicated content for media channels, so that starting from the brand's holiday greeting to a profile article on the founders in journalism - all the media messages together will tell the story of your company
Maximmedia - maximum creative thinking with years of experience in the fields of marketing and public relations, and a wide number of local and international clients that we represent. The firm's staff includes top-notch content and creative professionals who maintain regular contact with journalists and media personnel, and at the same time handle the creation of content for the platforms of the companies we represent - the brand language in social networks, 'white label' content for the web, catalogs, and more. In addition to this, Maximedia produces a brand book for the organization's inner circle so that all the organization's representatives can communicate the brand's story to the outside in a synchronized manner. With a variety of these tools, we tell, together with you, your story in an inspiring way - one that is sure to lead to movement.